#CREW Pilot training feedback survey: Participants are satisfied

All participants indicated overall training course satisfaction to be excellent (10/10) and very good (9/10).
– 87% are satisfied with the learning activity.
– 100% are satisfied with the instructor (s).
– 100% are satisfied with the training environment.
Most common comments about the training overall were: to expand the duration of the course in order to absorb lots of useful information and complete the practical tasks;
Was expressed the wish to repeat the course at another opportunity.
All training participants rated the training content as excellent (5 points) or very good (4 points). As the trainees came together with different objectives for the topics, most identified a variety of topics that they would like to delve deeper into: from website design and administration to building an online business.

Even 88% respondents indicated that they rated the following learning tools as excellent:
– The face-to-face activities and exercises helped my learning process.
– The learning platform supported my learning process and the technologies used during the course were up-to-date (for the course with on-line version).
– Navigation throughout the online components of the course is logical, consistent and efficient (for the course with on-line version).
– Course tools, face to face activities, and ICT media encouraged my involvement and inspired me to become an active learner.
Only 1 participant mentioned encountering obstacles: “The training platform *
did not work properly (applies to distance learning); * in the case of CREW ZOOM
Even 88% respondents indicated that the following learning methods were excellent:
– Adequacy of tasks and activities to the face to face and on-line learning
– Personal support during the development of tasks and activities
All respondents indicated that they rated the following learning methods as excellent or very good:
– Availability of resources to carry out tasks and activities
– Clear explanations about how to perform tasks and activities
All training participants evaluated the work of teachers and preparation for training as excellent. It is concluded that the selected teachers were suitable and professional.

All training participants rated the pilot training as beneficial for their personal development and future careers. Such an assessment leads to the conclusion that although there were participants with different education and experience background, training were organized efficiently and appropriately.

Participants were interviewed anonymously by filling out an online questionnaire.
Feedback report is prepared based on 8 out of 12 training participants answers.