An innovative element of this project is a self-test tool (IO4) which is created in order to evaluate target groups skills and competences regarding their needs on new key competences. IO4 utilize Badge Evaluation System according to the levels of competences. Adult learners are facing increasing demands to react to rapid changes, to adapt the new key competences, to use new technologies, to be more effective, to respond to labor market’s needs, to learn from others and to be visible and competitive in the community.
The purpose of IO4 is to produce information about how adult learners respond to the demands which are facing. IO4 provides a simple, easy-to-use model/framework, which is suitable for a self assessment of educational services and has two main purposes:
- to serve as a tool for adult learners, NEETs, disabled persons who want to improve the performance of their skills related on the project’s subject;
- to act as a ‘bridge’ to facilitate dialogue across the various educational and training providers not only in local but also in EU level.
IO4 assesses adult learners, NEETs, knowledge and skills in specific domains such as personal, social and learning to learn, citizenship, entrepreneurship, cultural awareness and digital learning skills that lie behind their factual knowledge is a new idea.