Respect towards each other

We are going through an era when it is now easier than ever for everyone to express his/her opinions, especially owing to the wide use of social media. However, the question is, has this opportunity of expressing our ideas freely made us more tolerant and helped us show respect to opinions that might be totally opposite to the ones we are in favour of? The word respect originally comes from “respectus” which means “attention”, consideration, or regard. It can be defined as “regard for or of a feeling of the value or greatness of an individual, an individual’s quality or capacity, or something considered as an appearance of an individual quality or capacity” (Khan, 2020). Respect is a fundamental component of successful human relationships. It is the idea of not judging or discriminating against people based on their beliefs or choices, just because we don’t agree with them.

Additionally, respect should be the norm in all working environments. Regardless of the type of work each employee executes, all staff members should be treated equally whether we like their personalities or not. There are two sorts of respect employees care about (Khan, 2020b). The first one is respect for a person, to be treated equally as all team members and be part of a team, where all members are valuable. The second type of respect is the one concerning professional achievements, which relies on the recognition and confirmation that each employee has unique strengths. 

To show respect in the workplace and cultivate a respectful working environment (Khan, 2020; Khan, 2020b; Love, 2019), but also in every-day life, follow these tips:

  1. Begin with an open mind.
  2. Communicate in a kind and friendly manner.
  3. Allow employees/people to share their beliefs and ideas.
  4. Avoid interrupting others when they are talking.
  5. Avoid rebuking your team members/others in front of everyone.
  6. Avoid criticism.
  7. Praise and greet people.
  8. Avoid showing your preferences.
  9. Be empathetic and compassionate.
  10.  Practice active listening.
  11.  Keep your temper.



Name of the activity:

The aim of the activity:
The goal of the activity is to help participants put themselves in someone else’s shoes and build respect among them. Its objective is for participants to acquire a different point of view and thus cultivate respect for others.

Skills that the activity develops:
Active listening, understanding and empathy

How many people the activity is suited for:
There is no maximum but there is a minimum of 2.

Time requirement for the activity:
It depends on the duration of the discussion.

How many instructors are needed:

Other requirements for the activity:

According to the number of participants there should be enough space, so that they can all look one another.

Describe the activity in a clear and concise manner:

All the participants sit in a way (e.g., in a circle), so that they can look one another and have a clear view. The instructor asks the participants to think about times when they felt discriminated against or had been treated unfairly. If they haven’t experienced anything similar, they can think of an example where someone they know had been discriminated against. Then, each participant shares his/her experience. The other members are carefully listening to the story and, at the end of it, the instructor asks them how they think the participant had felt. Each participant shares a story. After all members have finished, a discussion over how the lack of respect leads to negative consequences takes place. Through this activity people can understand that there are different and insignificant reasons why someone can be treated unfairly and can recognize the negative effects disrespect entails in both personal and professional life. Therefore, the participants will be careful on the way they behave to their colleagues.


  1. Eigen, D. (2017, November 21). Ideas for Team-Building Workshops on Respect. Small Business – Chron.Com.
  2. Love, P. (2019, November 11). Respect Examples: How to Respect Others (Even When They Believe Differently Than. . . Preemptive Love.
  3. Khan, S. A. (2020, September 18). Examples of Showing Respect to Others & Why it’s Important? Legacy Business Cultures.
  4. Khan, S. A. (2020b, October 26). What is the Importance of Respect in the Workplace & How it Affects Employees (Explained). Legacy Business Cultures.